Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Week 5 - Tuesday

Didn't do to badly yesterday. Had my salad and my yogurt and muesli plus 5 cookies at work.

Got home and hate a sandwich with strawberry jam and then had dinner - cooked chicken and pasta.

I hope to do better today. Already had my yogurt drink and currently working on my salad (usually takes me about 3 hours to finish). Already had two cookies today and I plan and hope not to snack any more.

This morning's weight is 110.1 Kg =~ 2424.73 - which mean I lost 0.2 Kg =~0.78 lb.

I should really get on the treadmill today since that's a good way to remind myself in the evening that I'm on a diet and shouldn't eat another helping of dinner or that jam sandwich.

All in all, not bad but not great either.

The goal of getting another 5 Kg (~11 lb) off by the end of August suddenly seems a long way off and a little discouraging and that in itself is a bad sign. It's not an unrealistic goal it's that I lost my enthusiasm which kind of bums me out. :-(

I did make some progress. I told my mom about buying the ice coffee and danish on Sunday and I should really remind her to nag me about getting on the treadmill.

I want to buy an elliptical cross-trainer since I know I prefer it to the treadmill plus it's a much more intense and productive workout, but, I don't want to have it standing in the living room, unused, the way the treadmill is most of the time.

I also don't want to spend the money right now since I'm saving for my grand diet goal - the trip next summer to California.

I don't have the exact dates for the trip but I have roughly 52 weeks to go, I should really stay in the game and keep thinking of my goals instead of my sweet tooth!

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